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Requirements for New Deck & Balcony Inspections

Deadline for Deck and Balcony Inspection Approaching Soon - Schedule Yours Today

As of January 1, 2019, a new senate bill, SB 721, commonly referred to as the “deck and balcony inspection” bill, went into effect. The deadline for these deck and balcony inspections is rapidly approaching. All inspections must be completed on or before January 1, 2025, and then redone every six years.

Commercial Real Estate Inspectors Inspects Decks & Balconies Across Southern California

We provide thorough inspections of “Exterior Elevated Elements” in Southern California as required by SB 721. Our inspectors have over 60 years of combined experience and will help ensure that your balcony or deck is in compliance with state law. Contact our office today at (818) 957-4654 to schedule your inspection. 

What Is SB 721 and What Are the Requirements?

In a nutshell, this bill requires that all multi-family residential buildings with three or more dwelling units in California that have “Exterior Elevated Elements” require a mandatory inspection every six years. 

Any recommended minor repairs have to be done within 120 days. Any emergency repairs must be done immediately and if an area is considered dangerous then immediate barriers must be installed to prevent access.

What Are Exterior Elevated Elements? 

SB721 defines Exterior Elevated Elements as - “the following types of structures, including their supports and railings: balconies, decks, porches, stairways, walkways, and entry structures that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building and which have a walking surface that is elevated more than six feet above ground level, are designed for human occupancy or use, and relay in whole or in substantial part on wood or wood-based product for structural support of stability of the exterior elevated elements.

This law now requires apartment building owners to have this inspection done by a qualified professional who, by the way, cannot do any of the remedial work on the site due to possible conflict of interest. These inspections must be completed by Jan 1, 2025, and then redone every six years thereafter.

How Did This Come About? 

In June 2015, a deck collapsed and six people died in Berkeley California. The wooden supports were rotted.

The purpose of the inspection is to determine if exterior elevated elements and their associated waterproofing elements are in a generally safe condition and if the welfare of the public or the occupants is not endangered.

What Does the Inspection Require?

In order to comply with SB 721, a sample of at least 15% of each type of exterior elevated element is to be inspected.

This evaluation must address each of the following:

  • The current condition of the exterior elevated elements.
  • Expectations of the future performance and projected service life.
  • Recommendation of any further inspection necessary.

To learn more about the requirements of the deck and balcony inspection bill, contact our office. Failure to comply with the law can result in the assessment of a civil penalty.

For more detailed information about deck and balcony inspections, visit our FAQ page!

Schedule Your Deck or Balcony Inspection Now

Commercial Real Estate Inspectors  is fully qualified to perform these required inspections and provide you with a written report in Southern California. Contact us today at (818) 957-4654 and book your inspection!

RISK Assessment® Report

This one-of-a-kind report stands for “Reliable Inspection for Systems Knowledge.” It is a five year breakdown which sequences the costs for the buyer. This report establishes the useful life and replacement costs of the five major systems in any commercial property. These systems include structure, roof, plumbing, electrical, heating & air. These reports specify the current conditions of your building and details the costs to expect in the next five years.

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Call on our Los Angeles commercial property inspection team now to get thorough service from our team. We serve all of Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Ventura County. Reach out to us today and let us know how we can help you.

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